Since the game is closing and doesn't look to be coming back, I had a couple of ideas. I am going to basically give away my stuff to anyone that wants it. You want something, I probably got it.

The other idea I had which would be really cool was that we could all combine every item we have into one account and then either just go around VMK and give items to random people and make their day or whatever. I'd much rather make a kid's day then for them to get kicked out of the game as bad as Disney is making this.

If you want any of my items that I have, just post in here and you got it. If you want to do that one big account thing with everybody's items that donates, post in here as well. If by chance the game does stay open, every item that would be given would be recorded by me and would be promptly given back.

Let's try and make this one of the best VMK month's since the game has been open, whether VMK wants it that way or not...