Another thread got us to thinking about a very serious subject.

In the interest of protecting all Intercotees from possible harm, our attorneys have recommended that a warning label be applied to the site. Following is a rough first draft. Your additions to the cautionary statement are welcome.



Intercot is intended for use only by those people who have a reasonable amount of grey matter contained within the area bordered by their ears, their forehead, and the back of their head. It is intended solely for entertainment, the exchange of information, and trip planning. Intercot will not be responsible for less-than-perfect vacation trips, marital strife caused by one spouse monopolizing the computer, flat tires, the heartbreak of psoriasis, flatulence, or damage done by the forceful expelling of liquids and/or solids from one’s mouth onto one’s computer monitor and/or keyboard. Intercot will not be responsible for collateral damage due to proximity to exploding Bourbon Beanie-Weenie Bombs or discharges of Silly String. Intercot will not be responsible for loss of employment caused by operators’ uncontrolled explosions of laughter or the spontaneous singing of Disney songs while at work.

Intercot must be operated in a safe manner at all times. To minimize the possibility of serious injury and/or death, the following guidelines must be observed at all times:<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Intercot should never be operated while in the bathtub;
<LI>It should not be used to slice bagels;
<LI>It should not be operated in the presence of open flames or flammable gasses, including, but not limited to, methane;
<LI>Never operate Intercot while under the influence of alcohol or medication; (well, almost never…)
<LI>Never operate Intercot while operating a motor vehicle or heavy equipment;
<LI>Intercot must always be lifted with the knees, not the back;
<LI>Operators must always wear clean undergarments in case of an accident;[/list]

Any litigation filed against Intercot will be settled in accordance with the laws of the Independent Republic of Yaglenskiville.



What other warnings do you think should be added ??

Ed, aka TiggTigg5
[email protected]
Intercot Staff Imagineer

There’s Still Time to Join Us for "The Grandaddy of All Intercot Meets”, 2001: An Intercot Odyssey in Orlando, June 9 to 16, 2001
Sign Up Now !

[This message has been edited by TiggTigg5 (edited May 18, 2001).]