Hmm, maybe. I think I was friends with a kitty cat, oh a cedar, an oatmeal cookie, and a few thousand fans? Yeah that was it!

No no, I am only kidding. I remember you all! Cat, Cita, Cookie, all the Fans, Doll, Pink, See, Dragon, Patti, Tricks, Zoo (how could I forget you Zoo?), Genie (Genie, OMG, how did I forget you?!), Ice (OMG, I am so bad at this remembering my best friends thing!) and everyone else I am friends with, I missed you all! Why I took a break, I don't know. Could it be the decline of VMK, and all the boring things going on in the game? Who's to know. But hopefully, I will be back more often, ESPECIALLY here on the boards (how did I ever last my weeks of absence without you guys?).

With me wanting to see you all again, why don't we have a party! Not in my honor (pshhh, I would never do that!), just a fun, get together party, like in the old days of VMK. It will be in one of my rooms, with a quest running (hopefully!) which should make this party fun! I think this Sunday at 8:00 PM would work. I may change this time due to a busy schedule, but we'll see how it goes.

Can't wait to see you all again!

With my love,