Hi. Dilemma that I need help with. My 18 year old daughter, who has finished High School and is working for a year before going back to school, would like to go to Cuba with her boyfriend and another couple and I honestly don't think it's a good idea, not because I don't think she is responsible, but for a lot of little reasons. She's so young, it's a foreign country that I honestly don't know is it a stable one?, neither one of them have really strong, confident personalities and I worry about them getting scammed, or worse, either booking or once they get down there. I just really feel uncomfortable, but I'm not sure it's partly selfish, they want to go within the two weeks before we go to Disney in April. Originally they were thinking of coming back the day before we leave for Disney, but could move it up some. I must admit, I get uptight the closer it gets to any trip, worrying about something happening and we won't be able to go. This is a reunion, I have one brother and we are meeting him and his family there, he lives over 2000 miles away from me and we only see each other once every 4-5 years, and our elderly parents are going too, this may be the last time we can all get together like this. Am I being paranoid? I know, god fobrid, anything can happen to any of us at any time, but to have her go that far away to somewhere strange is really freaking me out, and just before our trip, I'm just really nervous about saying yes, along with all the other things I don't like about it.

Any thoughts? I could really use some objective opinions