So I had just gotten off Peter Pan for the 67th time today and had collected 4 nifty Sword in the Stone pins that would undoubtedly win me a cool dragon-headed hat that would most assuredly keep my head warm for the next 18 days, when suddenly Host_Phinny came up to stand next to me at the stone. Being the gentleman that I was, I decided to forego my turn at the sword and allow our illustrious host a go at it.

Me: After you, Fin
Fin: (ignores me completely)

voila! using her magic pin, Host_Phinny pulls the sword from the stone and glitters all over in excitement

Me: Woot!
Fin: Finally, after all day!
Everyone else in the courtyard in four-part harmony: We love you Finny! Can we take a picture?

So here's what I was thinking: first I thought, "Dang it! That sword was due to come out, and I let Finny have my dragon hat!" But then after I got back in line for Peter Pan #68, I started to wonder: what is Finny going to do with that hat? Why would a red-ears-adorned host torture herself with a day of lag-encumbered dark rides to win a hat that she could never wear, and that would clash with her outfit anyway? (btw, I now know why they're called "dark" rides; because they're evil, I tell you! Evil!!)

I've long had a theory that the hosts also have mules so they can occasionally enjoy VMK sans paparazzi. This would explain why she might find the hat useful. But I'm curious to know what everyone else thinks. Have you ever seen a host in anything other than host ears? Or do you think she simply wanted the hat so she could bestow it upon some unlucky sap as a reward for going on that blasted ride over and over and over without even a sniff of success??? (I can only pray...)

Please enlighten me.

And have a magical day,