Myself, DH & 2 teenage DS's are taking a road trip! Planning to start with Niagra Falls, both US side & Canada! Then onto Manhattan, NY for a couple of days, possibly visiting the Philly area & then looking for a low key beach to realax & unwind before coming home. It's a little out of the way, but after doing some research, some of the beaches I was previously looking into seem a little too busy & touristy for us. I really am liking the look of Virginia Beach & the boardwalk, it sounds very low key which I think we'd appreciate after our whirlwind trip, but still offers some diversions after a day at the beach. besides the boardwalk, another thing that grabbed my attention, were the Old & New Cape Henry Lighthouses!

I'm really trying to do my homework for our first ever real ROADTRIP , so any feedback would be appreciated. The info on the web isn't the same as real life experiences!