Quote Originally Posted by azcavalier View Post
Huh. Well, there was nothing political in my post, so not sure why political insults are being issued. And there is nothing political about the scientific method. Nothing partisan one way or the other. I don't care who you voted for nor what your political beliefs are. Regardless of who our President is, the following is true.

The scientific method works.

The hospitals in the south are definitely in crisis.

We could literally be back to normal...NORMAL...in 8 weeks, if everyone who was eligible and able took the vaccine. That's it. It's that simple. Science proves this, and history proves this.
I have a couple of comments but do not want this to turn into a huge debate.

First on the "scientific method" that keeps being mentioned. The correct scientific method is to do full FDA studies and trials on volunteers not rush a new vaccine produced under new technological methods out to the public and hope for the best while telling them it is "safe and effective." Sure so far they appear to be safe enough and fairly effective but the reality of the situation is they really did not know because they did not study them long enough through the stages. It has turned out that they are less effective than first thought and those vaccinated are still spreading the virus to both those who are unvaccinated as well as others who have been vaccinated.

Secondly, I live in the Southeast. Alabama to be exact which is the state they love to mention. Our hospitals are not really in crisis. What we have is basically two problems that are a product of our system and it has shown up in states all across the country. We allow people to use the emergency rooms as their personal doctor. They clog the emergency room with non-emergencies. Since the media has the masses that will listen scared out of their wits about Covid 19, if they feel a little ill, they go to the emergency room. The other thing is if they test postive for Covid 19 at the emergency room and there are beds available and the patient has insurance, they put them in a room and start ringing the insurance cash register whereas most should be sent home and told to return if they start having more serious symptoms.

The craziest thing about all of this is Covid 19 is 98 to 99% survivable without a vaccine. We originally had it in the very beginning at the end of May beginning of June 2020. Since then we have had mild symptoms after being exposed twice that we know of for sure but have most likely been exposed multiple times because we never changed anything in our life. We actually went on far more vacations and long weekend getaways over the past year and a half because hotels and travel were so cheap. There we only two weekends during all of it we did not eat inside a restaurant. The last time we caught Covid that we know for sure was on our summer vacation and we are pretty certain we caught it at Disneyland on the 4th of July (and for those picking on the South, please note Disneyland is in Anaheim, California that was packed with locals. LOL) Regardless of whether it was Disneyland or not, it was definitely in Southern California that we caught the Delta variant. We were tested for antibodies recently and had a high level. Most of the people I personally know have already had Covid 19. Some last year but a lot caught it early this year and some have been sprinkled through the summer. I know some that have been vaccinated but not a lot. Our infection rate spiked and has now plummeted in Alabama but yet we have done basically nothing but keep moving on with life.

My point in telling all of you that is this: If this is what we consider a pandemic and it really caused a crisis in our healthcare system as the media wants everyone to believe, we are in serious and I mean serious trouble as a society if a real deal, highly infections, disease with an actual high mortality rate ever comes along. If our healthcare system can't handle a virus with a 1 to 2% mortality rate, what in the world are we going to do if one comes along like previous pandemics with a potential of 10, 15 or 20% mortality without quick and responsive healthcare? That is a scary thought if you buy into this narrative that our healthcare system has been in crisis due to Covid 19.