It has been so long since I've posted here and the sentiments expressed here are EXACTLY the reason why I've been absent. I used to brag that a Disney vacation may cost more, but you receive so much back you feel you cheated them. I no longer feel that way.

Their model once felt something like: Focus solely on the customer's experience and enjoyment without worrying about the cost and the customer will gladly hand their money over to us in buckets.

Today it feels like: They love us so much, we can do whatever we want to them and chisel money any way we can and cut corners any way we want, and cheapen rides or close rides or fail ro repair rides and they will still come here.

I've been so disillusioned since my last trip, I stopped frequenting this web site (and it's one of my favorites.)

I haven't planned a trip there in a while (and I used to begin planning just as soon as I returned) and I don't see one in the future. For the price of a 10-day Disney trip, this year we are going to Nashville, as well as to Texas!

Hope they straighten things out soon.