Cast of Characters:
My 11 year old twin boys
my parents celebrating their 50th Anniversary

April 20 - May 5 2007

Resort: All Star Movies

Day 10 Sunday April 29

It was very hot and smoky today. The wind had blown the smoke from the fires that were blazing in Florida. By end of day smoke had cleared up, but it was quite strong earlier in day.

Today we went to Epcot to meet up again with Piglet822 & gang. We wandered over to Test Track where the boys all took a ride. Then it was off to WS as Jeanne and crew had lunch ressies at Rose & Crown. So after we left them at UK, we meandered over to France and then caught the boat back to FW. You can get some good pictures from the boat as you see the countries from a different perspective! Morocco and Japan and France and Mexico and United Kingdom and Canada.

From Epcot we headed over to Mk to have lunch at Crystal Palace. We got this picture of my mom and Pooh. Hmmm, should my dad be jealous? We also made sure to get a picture of my folks with Jeanne's favorite character Piglet! While we were seated a CM came up to us and asked how many years of marriage for my parents. When they heard 50, they said they would be right back. They returned with a beautiful 5x7 wooden frame and told my parents to put a nice picture in it to remember this special trip by! My parents were blown away!

After our wonderful meal at CP we went out to Main Street to meet back up with Jeanne and gang. Space Mountain was next as well as Stitch then all of us went to see Mickey's Philharmagic. After that it was time for Jeanne to head back home so we said goodbye. We were sad to see them go but knew that we would meet up again one day.

Next it was over to Aladin's carpets before heading out of park for the day. My dad and boys went went back to resort to swim while Mom and I went to DTD to do some shopping.

Day 11 Monday April 30

Today we headed back to the Studios to see Indiana Jones. We just happened to be standing on walkway when Lightening Mcqueen and Tow Mater wheeled on by and got a much better view than we did at the "mob mentality" meet we went to last week". We headed over to see Beauty & The Beast and when we sat down the CM saw my parent's anniversary pins. She asked how many years and then asked us to move up to front row. We had amazing seats for the Show Talk about getting spoiled today!

After Beast we headed over to the Narnia set. It was very cool inside, just like walking through the wardrobe and into the movie. We went to One Man's Dream, went on the Great Movie Ride again, went into Magic of Disney Animation, and kids played in Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground. We had lunch at ABC Commissary.

We met a few friends along the way to Star Tours and the boys grabbed a quick spin on the Speeder before checking out the Power Rangers vehicle. Spotted a real Beauty on our travels and had to get pic taken with her! A final goodbye to the Studios and it was back to resort to pass out before doing some swimming and arcade fun!

After the swimming, my son was coming back to the room, running as boys do, when he slipped and hit his hand on edge of door. He heard a crack and was crying in pain. I checked his hand and it seemed ok so we juet put ice and thought we would see how it was in morning....