I have read many posts talking about the special place of Disney in our lives. I wanted to share why it is so special to me(us).
1. Disney is a PRIVILEDGE NOT a right to visit.
2. It IS expensive (for most) BUT it SHOULD be.
3. I dont EVER want Disney to be easily affordable..."Cheapend" or "cut corners."
4. After saving for 2-3 years there is a very very rewarding feeling to know you worked so hard to visit a place to WONDERFUL.
5. For me its the most magical place on earth (vacation wise).
6. Disney has NEVER let me down.
7. IMHO, It provides the absolutely BEST value per dollar spent despite its expense.
8. It makes us (adults) feel like kids again.
9. Tradition and history.
10. Last but not least...I've never seen a place that all the cultures of the world seem to have the same magical feeling when there..It truly IS the Happiest place on Earth.