As most of you know, my 14 yr old step-daughter has Anorexia. She is not doing what the doctors are telling her. She's still loosing weight, fighting with her mother, etc.

Well as of 3:30pm today she will be on a plane to a Rehab center in Florida. She will be there a minimum of 30 days, possibly 45 days. If it is for 45 days, she will be there for Christmas.

She is very happy to be going. She is looking at this as a "vacation" from her mother.

She had a breakdown over the weekend. DH found her crying in my closet. Apparently her mother found a note on "H"'s nightstand. It was a list of things to do before "going away". One of the things on the list was "savor being thin". DH confronted her about it and that's when she went hiding in my closet. She starting screaming that she wants to be left alone, she doesn't want to live and that she hates her mother. She repeated (several times) "I hate my mother".

Her mother is a big portion of her problem. Hopefully the Center can help her deal with it, because her mother will still be there when she gets back.

According to DH, H's mother said "I hope this works, because if it doesn't, I am done. I have 2 other kids to deal with". Doesn't that just sound like a loving mother.