So... We had annual passes last year and went to WDW 4 times in the year span. It was really cool. I thought we wouldn't be back until next year, but it might be a little sooner after all.

DH and I were discussing last night the possibility of going to Fort Wilderness for a week in the Fall. With his job it's better to have him work through the summer when it's more busy- so when to take the week's paid vacation? And where to go? You guessed it!

We're in the early stages of planning, since we just came up with this brilliant idea last night, so I thought I would start to troubleshoot here. Hope some campers can help us out!

We have a tent. We've gone camping 3 times since being grown ups and doing it all ourselves (we went when we were kids numerous times) so we're not the most experienced campers but we do plan to camp a lot over the weekends that DH has off during the summer. One of our big fears is rain though. I know our tent is durable enough not to leak (at least that's what it said on the packaging when we bought it...) but we don't know what we would do if it rained and then we had to bring the tent home wet. We live in an apartment so we're at a loss as to where we would dry the tent so it wouldn't stay wet and grow mildew. I guess it's a silly fear but still... There must be some experienced campers who can chime in on what to do in that situation, right?

As to when the trip could take place... Currently we are looking at late October, but would November be a better choice? We're looking to just take in the resort and other non park stuff since we'll be heading back in 2009 with park tickets and want to really relax this time around. In 2006 we went on a spur of the moment trip in October and the weather was the best we have experienced in WDW so that's one of the reasons we were thinking of going then.

What do you think? Have I written a run on sentence of a novel yet? Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer!