Ok, here I am! It's been a... memorable weekend!
As some of you heard Friday night on VMK, while my wife was travelling home from Houston, she called me to tell me she had just hit a deer. She was in a rental, and the damage was actually pretty light considering; The passenger side running light was shoved back into it's housing and the quarter panel above it was popped out and chipped. I went with her today to take care of insurance issues at the rental place and her HR Director called to say "no worries" that they would take care of anything. The thing both he (and I) were most concerned about was her, and she is fine.

Yesterday the band played our first "Roadshow" in Crowley, LA (about and hour and 40 minutes away) at a Knights of Columbus Hall for a wedding reception. Following are direct links to pictures;

It was a very long day, and when I got home that night Christy wanted me to open a wine bottle for her. SOMEHOW, the dreaded Power Tool Curse affected my use of the wine bottle opener and my ring finger on my guitar hand got pinched, causing a nasty blood blister and slicing into it as well. It throbbed for hours, and of course, all Christy could do was laugh. I've got it wrapped to help it heal up for this weekend.