My family and I were vacationing last week and my DD 20 months had her first (and hopefully last) febrile seizure. We had been out during the day at the beach and shopping, and I noticed that when we returned she felt warm. I'd forgotten to bring her thermometer so I thought we could give her a bath, let her take a short nap before dinner and give her some tylenol afterwards. Around 6:20 I felt her head again and seemed hotter so I woke her up and gave her the medicine. About 20 minutes later I woke her up and brought her downstairs for dinner...but she didn't seem like herself. At first I thought she was groggy because she was still tired, but she had a glazed look and she wouldn't respond to anything. She was also very limp. I gave her to my husband and she started to twitch and her eyes were rolling back. We rushed her upstairs and I yelled for someone to call 911. Even after the paramedics evaluated her and we arrived at the hospital she was still pretty unresponsive although she had started to look around and reach out to me with her hands. As time went on she began to act much more like herself and we were eventually discharged with instructions to give her motrin or tylenol to keep the fever down. That was last Wednesday night and she still has a low grade fever (about 100). If the fever doesn't go away by tomorrow I'm going to take her in to see my pediatrician. Has anyone ever had an experience with Febrile Seizures? I was told that they seem much scarier than they actually are and are pretty common among toddlers when their temperature rises rapidly. Everyone at the hospital and even my pediatrician seemed very casual about the whole situation and not worried at all. Are they right about this? It just seems so odd to think of a baby having a seizure as 'common' I have anything to worry about?