Most of my day was spin at Pixie Hollow I did do some other things but I hang around Pixie Hollow the most of the time. It started when we got to the park late cause the freeway was back to back traiffic. We got there around 11am and when we put are stuff away I when in Disneyland and when I got there the only character out was Goofy so then I started to go to Pixie Hollow and when I got there I saw Silvermist there so I when ahead to PFF. I really wanted to see Ariel so I when over there. I didn't see any character on the way to The Faire. So when I got in line it was about 11:56 and I had saw walking in to PFF was Snow White and Mulan then a few minutes later Ariel and Jasmine came out. It was about 30 minutes later that I saw Aurora coming in and Cinderella walking out. It took about an hour to get to the front of the line. I was talking to one of the cast members there she had seen my Fawn shirt and said theother day was her first time seening Pixie Hollow. She said she like it alot. I said I do to but what I think what they could do better was before you walk up to the tall grass leave they should had the leaves started to get bigger when u are up the hill and the waterful where the statue of Silvermist and Iredissa is at. She agree with me on that. She also ask me like most have who I came to see at PFF. I told her Aurora,Ariel and Belle she said oh good they are in. But she didn't really say which ones. So when it was my turn I turn the corner and it was Ariel. I said to Ariel. Jist the Princess I really wanted to see. She said aww how sweet. She had ask me do you know how to poss like a Prince. I show her and she said oh you been prating [ms]. I said Cinderella show me how to do it. She said you got to show this to Snow White. Which I didn't see there.

After my time with Ariel I when to my favorite Princess of them all and it was my Aurora the POD Aurora that is. I'm in line waiting for her and as I was she look up at me and gave me this big smile at me. So when it was my turn I said hello my Princess she said to me I just saw you last week I said yeah I was here cause my mom's favorite band was here. Instant Replay. So she was asking send last week what have you been doing.

I told Aurora send the last time I saw her I had been sick that I got it from my dad. She ask me so you are close to your dad. I said some what. I also said I got to meet my 2 favorite Princess you my first and Ariel. We took another good photo together.

She then ask me when the next time I be here. I told her maybe next Sat. send Instant Replay be here. She then said I well be looking for you.

So before I leave I blew a kiss to Aurora. Next up was Cinderella I said hello to her and she said the same.

So after I when to PFF I when to Toon Town to see who was out and no characters where out. So then I hitted to Pixie Hollow. When I got there there was no line infact it was more like a 25 min weight. So when I got there the first Fairy I saw was Silvermist. She saw my Fawn shirt and she said so Fawn is your favorite I said yes but your my second favorite. She said oh sweet I'm your 2nd favorite.

Silvermist told me that you got to show your shirt to Fawn that she is here today. I said she's here! Silvermist said yes she is. I was so happy to hear this. I told her that I almost call you a Fairy Princess. Silvermist said oh how nice nobody has ever call me that. I said well I could call you by your nickname Sil she said you can. So when I was down I said goodybye Fairy Princess and she said by to me. I was in line for Tink and I had ask Silvermist when Fawn was coming. She said she wasn't sure so I said I get back in line after here. She said that be a good plan. So next came up was Tinkerbell. This is the First Tinkerbell that I met when Pixie Hollow first open. She saw my shirt and said you got my favorite color. I think she had remeber me from the first time we met back in Nov. 2008.

We had a good time I said to her you will see me back here in a little bet send I hear Fawn was hear. She said I be weighting. So After I leave I got back in line and again it was like 25 mins I weight. So when I got up there Fawn was there. She saw my shirt and said where did you get that. I told her I made it. This is the Fawn I haven't met yet this isn't the one with the cute smile. I had told her I've been wanting to see you for a long time.

So after are talk it was back to Tink. When I got up to her I said I told you I be back but I had knowest that this was a different Tink and tell you the thurth I really like this one alot. She is so spunky and fun.

She was jumping around alot around me. After we had talk and had fun possing I said my goodbyes. Then I when to Main Street to see what characters was there and when I got up there no characters at all. I was up there for 30 minutes and nobody around. I then when to watch the new Street Party and well I really didn't like it other then seening a new character. Clarice and Daisy. To me this show took to long to get to where I was which was on Main Street and the floats where to small in count unlike POD. To me this is like Pixar Play which I don't like as well. I which they bring back POD. Also there was no Princess in there. So after I watch it. I wasn't filling that good again so I when to have lunch and had the Citus Chicken by Thunder Range. I was looking at the time and I saw I had to go one more time to Pixie Hollow to see Fawn again. And once again another 25 min. and when I got there Silvermist was there. She saw me and said so did you see Fawn I said yes. glad you did. I told her for now on to me you will be my Fairy Princess that's the nickname I will call you. She said thank you.

So when I got done with her Tink turn She said you again. I told her your going to know me as mush as Aurora and Belle remembers me. She said I think your right. So we did some more poss shots.

Tink kind of move I had though I was beening her wing and said sorry about that as the picture was taken. She said why you are sorry for. I told what I was sorry about. She said you didn't do anything I myself almost fell cause I'm usely flying and not standing on my feet. I really had fun with her so after said I be seen you next time Tink said by and I when to the photo shop to get my photos and here is what I got.

This is what it looks like but if you can't tell to good here they are by themself.

So after I got my photos I still wasn't felling good so I had call it a day. So this ends my trip report.