In all our trips to WDW, we've never made rope drop at any of the parks. When we visit in October, we're hoping to change that; and that leads me to a few questions that, hopefully, someone on here can answer:

1. What time do the rope drop festivities start, and how long do they take? If park opening is at, for example, 9 a.m., what time would the show begin?

2. How crowed is it at rope drop the second half of October (weekdays), and how early would we need to be there to get a good view?

3. What about days when there's morning EMH at the park? Do they still do the rope drop ceremony? And, if so, do they do it at the start of EMH, at the regular opening time, or both?

4. Do all 4 parks have rope drop festivities?

5. If you could make it to only one park for rope drop, which park would it be, and why?

Suzanne Q
Walland, TN (currently) & Bristol, TN (home base), USA