So, daughter and I are scheduled to leave for WDW on Sunday morning.

My step mom is not well, and hasn't been for a long, long time. We've been on watchful duty for like 4 or 5 weeks now. She will not likely be getting better, and honestly it'll be a blessing when her time finally comes.

However, in spite of the uncertainty, or because of it, we've decided we're going ahead as planned This could end in a matter of hours, or could stretch on for days, weeks, months.

So, here's my question. What if our trip is cut short by the need to return home for a family death. Or for that matter, the start could be delayed. How does Disney handle this? Everything is paid for 8 nights at CSR, 8 park hoppers w/o the non-expiring option, ADRs for free dining. Do they allow any credit for the paid for, but left unused portion. Or, should the start of vacation be delayed, do they allow the unused days to perhaps be tacked on to the end assuming resort availability.

Then there's the issue of airfare. We're flying down on Southwest, and returning on AirTran.

Just trying to get a handle on what I may expect should circumstances dictate.
