Okay, so I need to go on a bit of a here ...

I've never been a big Bud Selig fan to begin with ... then last year he pulled that shenanigans with Game 5 of the World Series and I really began to develop a strong dislike for the man.

But this year he's definitely solidified himself as my Most Hated Man In Pro Sports.

How in the world do you take the defending World Series Champions and make them play two home games that start at 2:37 in the afternoon and then follow that by two away games that start at 10PM??!??!??!?

Look, I can almost swallow a Saturday night game in Colorado starting at 10PM on the East Coast, but a Sunday night game??? I'm supposed to stay up until 1AM to see what could be the clinching game for the Phillies??

MLB has to figure out a way to make their playoff schedules more palatable to fans. Why don't they have some guts and do what the NFL does and run games against each other regionally?? It's absurd!!

Bud Selig is a clueless dolt. I have no idea how he's managed to hang on to this job as long as he has, but he's going to go down in history as possibly the worst professional sports President in history.

Okay ... over ...