Quote Originally Posted by Scar View Post
I disagree. What if Bonds admits it (which I think he will to minimize jail time) but Sosa never does. Then Sosa gets to keep his 66 homers stand as the record? Not fair. And using your last statement as an example, wrong yes, but if a player were to shoot another player, would their records be erased? I don't think so.
Oh well. Happens every day. There are tons of guilty people walking around in the world who, for whatever reason, weren't able to be convicted of their crimes.

But when you're convicted, you're punished. Period. Fair? Maybe not. Reality? Absolutely.

Quote Originally Posted by Hammer View Post
While there is precedent for some sports, there isn't for the big 4 sports. Guys who were found in the NFL to have used steriods haven't had any of there records erased. People still think Merriman is so great and you can't tell me he hasn't found a way to hide his steriod use. Once a guy is caught, I will be suspicious of him forever.

Look, I don't see Bonds admitting his use, as I don't see him wanting to work in baseball like McGwire. Bonds is just going to live off his millions.

Regarding Rose, he broke a rule that has been in place for over a century. If you bet on baseball, even if it isn't your team, you are banned if you get caught. End of story and every player knows it. I have absolutely no sympathy for him.

His records are not erased from the books however as he still holds the hits record.
Rose shouldn't have his records erased, because A. he gambled as a manager and not a player and B. he didn't cheat like these guys did.

Just because none of the big four have ever done it, doesn't make it right. I'm actually surprised that none of them have, really. I think it shows how squishy we've allowed morality to become when it comes to our athletes quite frankly and how much the almighty buck really powers pro sports. If everyone else is doing it and the big four aren't, that's their bad not everyone else's. Let's take this opportunity to right a wrong.