We were on vacation 1/21-30, at WDW 1/24-27. There were 8 of us in our group. None of us have the desire to return to WDW after this trip.

Please be forewarned: I was severely disappointed on this trip. I realize each trip and experience are different. Mine was not good.

1- We visited MK on 1/24. Arrived to TTC at 9:17. Monorail down. Between the ferry line, the bag check line and the gate line, we did not get into MK until 10:41. I understand that things breakdown, but it appeared as there was NO contingency plan. There was 1 CM trying to corral hundreds of frustrated guests into a ferry line. It wasn't until we were in the boarding area that we saw additional CMs. Why didn't Disney tram or bus people over?

2- Tour groups. I get it. It's summer vacation in South America. But it seems as though the tour groups could be better organized/monitored. Maybe there should be a limit on how many tour groups are allowed in the park at once? Or maybe a limit to how large each group is? There were numerous groups of 30+ people clogging things up.

3- When did Peter Pan turn into a 'fast' ride? We zoomed through so fast (after a 55 minute wait) that I hardly remember anything. I believe I read somewhere that they speed rides up when the crowds are large...is this true?

4- What happened to MSEP? There was no Dwarves mine train. No blue fairy. No casey junior. It felt really, really short.

5- We got a 4-day pass. After spending the 1st 3 days at MK, AK and HS, my DH & I decided to go back to Epcot for 'date night.' But we were not allowed in because we didn't have the hopper. I know on previous trips if you didn't have a hopper, you could still go to another park but it counted as a "day" against your ticket. I was so disappointed (and confused), I started crying at the gate. The CM didn't so much as utter I'm sorry.

The good news is, my kids (mostly) had a great time. Poor DS6.5 was really disappointed he didn't get to do more or meet more characters as the lines were insane. An hour wait to see Woody, etc.

A few personal opinions made on this trip:

1- I hate autograph books. They take so long.

2- FP is only as good as the CM running the lines. Some CMs couldn't blend the lines very well resulting in longer waits for everyone. The CMs at EE and SM did a GREAT job with FP. The others stunk.

3- People don't listen. (not just at WDW) You know you have to close your stroller before boarding the tram or the bus. The time on your FP is the time you return. Not an hour earlier or an hour later. Move all the way to the end of the row. Board the tram/jeep/train into the row you are standing in line for; don't cross lanes. Etc Etc Etc.

4- Fantasyland expansion is MUCH, MUCH needed. Hooray they're finally doing it.

I've been a Disney fanatic since my first visit at 2 years old. (yes I remember that visit, I tried to join the parade) I've never been at the park and thought, "I just want to get out of here" until this visit. I've never come home from a WDW trip and thought, "Not going back there" until this visit.

I guess my dad put it best when I was crying on the tram leaving MK and he said, "So I guess the Disney bubble's burst for you?"

My slogan for this trip (besides "never again") is: Love the mouse. Hate his "house."