Honestly CRT is the BIGGEST letdown of all things Disney to me. For what it is and where it is CRT SHOULD be amazing. It is not. The service is worse than anywhere else. The food is "OK" but it is a mass production type of place. The food is made and then sent to whoever orders it. Like McDonald's with silverware. The character interaction is not as meaningful there in comparison to other places.

We went to CRT for dinner in 2009. No characters showed at all, even though the Fairy Godmother was supposed to be there. We returned this past January for my daughter's third birthday lunch. (Only because we did BBB and it seemed the natural progression) We also did Akershus that trip and a trip in August of 2010. Now I know Norway isn't Cinderella's castle, but the atmosphere is much more relaxed and the characters spend more time at each table. Also you actually have room to move and get a decent picture. CRT has the tables packed in there like airplane seats. SERIOUSLY. All of the pictures are from akward angles.

Also... CRT does a Wishing Ceremony that is just some guy coming over the speaker telling the girls to wave their souvenir wands (See Dollar Store toy aisle for examples) around. Akershus has a Princess Processional where the kids march around the restaurant WITH the princesses, much like the "parades" they do at Chef Mickey's and Crystal Palace.

OH and I dont know about your daughter, but my daughter prefers Belle (who greets you @ Akershus) over Cindy.

I hate to sound so critical of CRT but it is honestly such a disappointment for me and my family. For the price, for the location, for the love of Disney it deserves SO much better. Save yourself the headache.