First of all, how do you spell dilema, LOL!

We will be visiting WDW next week and I am struggling with what to do about a stroller. Our DD is 6.5, 48 inches tall, just about 50 lbs and has basically grown out of her strollers here at home. While she is going to want to walk at the parks, I also know my DD and she will get tired due to pace, heat, excitement etc and I really think we need to have the option of a stroller for her.

I have never rented a stroller at the park and it would be my preference to not have to rent one each day at whatever park we are at for the day due the hassle and time. Can you rent a stroller for the week rather than having to rent each day? I am thinking no as I have never seen any of the park strollers on the buses etc.

I researched a company online that will rent for the week but they only offer City Mini jogging strollers and say that the limit is 50 lbs/45 inches.

It is not a cost issue, just need to find a stroller that she will fit into and would like to avoid having to rent each day and/or carry DD on shoulders .

If you all could share your experiences of what has worked with your kids that would be great. Thanks!