News flash: Horizons was bulldozed years ago and Mission Space is now in it's sacred place.
No kidding. Part of it is still there though, unless you haven't actually been to Epcot in the past 20 years and only read about it. They could still create a new Horizons of some sort with the unused space. It would probably be an excellent idea, since its one of the most popular retired attractions.

Quote Originally Posted by McLiberal8 View Post
I think that would be up to interpretation of the word 'broken'.

Every time I go into Universe of Energy, I see people sleeping. There is no applause when it's over with - just people meandering out of a long boring air-conditioned show.

I love Bill Nye - I grew up watching the guy every day. But the most coverage his face has gotten in the past 10 years is the occasional science news commentary on CNN. And to kids who don't know how Ellen looked in the 90s, i'd say she is near unrecognizable in that attraction.

I agree that Mythbusters might be a fleeting choice, but so is Ellen and Bill Nye, and that hasn't stopped you from defending it. They are the face of science for a lot of people, as Bill Nye was in the 90s. I can see how the idea might work. And I happen to think Adam from Mythbusters is pretty darn good-looking.
Ellen has one of the biggest daytime television talk shows on TV. She's probably in the top twenty or thirty most recognizable celebrities in the United States. She's actually more successful now then when she made the ride.

But why this obsession with making sure the people on an attraction are as aged as they are now? Do they have to update the rides every year so people don't nitpick about them not having as much wrinkles as they should? Should they also update it to match their current hairdos as well? Fact is, whoever they put in there will be "outdated" eventually, so the idea of replacing them with more "current" fly by night celebrities to keep it updated is kind of an idiotic way to burn money that could be used on something that's actually new. I don't know why places like Universal, Cedar Point, etc. can actually introduce new rides on a consistent basis, while Disney only spends peanuts to update existing ones with slight tinkering no one actually asked for.

I also don't know why people would erupt into applause after a theme park attraction. That in itself seems like a really corny thing to do that most people with self respect would resfrain from doing.