I'm mock planning possible trips for the future (which I have no idea why, because we're broke! haha), but I'm comparing the prices of all three options, and they all seem about the same. It looks like even if we do the bare minimum of everything, there's no possible way we can swing it for less than $1000. I would go through Magic Journeys, but I feel bad bothering them for a quote when we probably won't even be able to go anyway.

Here's the breakdown if anyone has any ideas on how to save a few pennies:

-Two Adults
-We'd prefer at least 2 or 3 days with the park
hopper option (though I'd probably spend most of the time in Epcot anyway).
-Would prefer to stay at the POP, but might stay off property if considerably less expensive.
-We could live off of crackers the whole time if we have to, but we know we'll want to eat the park food, too.
-We'd be going from Philadelphia to Orlando. If we drove, roundtrip gas calculates to $349.70.
If we book through Southwest for two roundtrip flights, it's $695.60, and Amtrak for two coach seats is $528. Numberwise, driving makes the most sense, but then we have to figure in a night in a hotel on the way down, so it pretty much comes out even.

Maybe I should just stay home and watch park videos on Youtube instead...sigh...