I read an article on another Disney site yesterday that was basically a long complaint about how prices are going up, Disney is charging for things that used to be included, etc, etc, but how their revenue is also up and that TPTB are just money-grubbing. And one of their main complaints was that the level of service in the parks had gone down for years. But they had no real proof, or even examples. They just treated it like it was a known fact and that we should agree because they said so.

Well, I disagree. I've been going for 16 years, and I feel like the service is as good as it ever has been. I know that many of you on here have voiced that same opinion, that the service has declined, and often share something that happened on a trip.

I would argue that in an organization as large as WDW, with as many guests, employees, etc as there are, that you will always be able to find horror stories or examples of bad service. But that doesn't mean that it's declining across the board.

I, too, have had bad experiences with CMs at WDW from time-to-time. Sometimes they were wrong. Sometimes we were wrong. Sometimes, NO ONE was wrong, and stuff just malfunctioned.

I guess my point is that I know Disney still prides itself on its exemplary customer service. They still train and train employees on how to handle these things. Their attention to service, through training, seems as high as ever.

If anyone has any actual proof other than some poor experience they had this one time, then I'd love to hear it. Otherwise, I'm just going to assume that familiarity breeds contempt and the fact that many of us have been going for so long that some of the magic is rubbing off, and it can never live up to what it felt like when we first started attending.