We leave on May 12th, and I have my suitcase all packed! Except that I keep adding and changing my mind about stuff. But I feel VERY well prepared - I've got three pairs of shoes, lots of expensive hiking socks, and 40 cubic yards of moleskin and blister bandages. I have collapsible water bottles, a bunch of zip lock bags for keeping things dry, my own laundry soap. An extension cord to make it easy to plug things in where we want, and my husbands C-pap machine so I don't smother him with a pillow. I have over the counter medications for EVERYTHING....as I proudly and (loudly) announced to my daughter in the drug store.."From headaches to diarrhea, I've got it all!" (not sure why those people in line all backed away....extras of toiletries I meet need. I discovered packing cubes this year and I love 'em - AND I have each day's individual outfit all together in a ziplock of its own.

Now, I do want to take a few snacks, mainly for the teenage daughter - some granola bars, fruit leathers and trail mix. My question is what to do about that horrible Florida water. I want to avoid buying expensive pop or water in the parks - hence the collapsible water bottles I mentioned above. What can I put in the tap water to make it palatable - we usually take Crystal Light but that's not super convenient - do those "Mio" or similar water flavouring drops work? And is it TRUE that carts will give you free ice water (I think I'd still feel embarrassed to ask if I wasn't buying anything else). AND wondering if the carts at Universal do the same?