Do you think it is important to show good manners when riding the resort buses at WDW?

Last time I was down there I was riding the bus back to POR from Epcot. The bus was pretty full due to the fact that the park had just closed. I was standing. There were a lot of people about my age (just hanging on to the threads of my twenties) sitting down. A woman got on holding her sleeping baby. NOT ONE PERSON OFFERED THIS LADY A SEAT. She struggled holding on to the handrail and her child at the same time until we got back to the resort.

I thought this was terrible. The same trip I saw and elderly lady standing while a toddler who could have easily ridden in someone's lap took up a seat.

Now I would never expect someone to give up a seat to me as I am perfecty capable of standing but shouldn't we show some common decency to others.

p.s. One morning a nice gentleman actually did offer his seat to me. I guess chivarly isn't completley dead.