Well guys, we've made it through a whole week! Last night our fellow Intercotees attended the Illuminations viewing, which is the traditional Intercot Meet event. (Thank you Wacky for pointing out my vast stupidity when it comes to dates).

I still remember the first meet photos I ever saw. John was there, so were beth and Steve, the world's most patient woman (Laurie, who is married to JimmyC), JimmyC and a few others.

I remember I scared Jimmy because when I saw the photos I was able to guess what kind of beer he was drinking based on the color.

I might get in trouble but . . . here is the thread with those original pictures. http://www.intercot.com/boards/Forum7/HTML/000071.html

So, let's have fun!!!!!!!!!!! First round is on me.

Gary(aka dpamac)
Paranoid Android
[email protected]
Vice President, INTERCOT Operations

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Nothing comes between me and my Intercot shirt!

Is that a real poncho or is that a Sears poncho?

[This message has been edited by dpamac (edited June 16, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by dpamac (edited June 16, 2001).]