Other than the obvious, aforementioned Halloween issues (I thought the same thing ... the world has ended and they're having a Halloween Party????), I actually liked last night's episode.

I thought we finally got some clarity on some of the gray areas from the last few weeks ... we know it was a terrorist attack, we understand more about Jake's past, and we know more about Hawkins's past too.

I know it has some obvious plot holes, but I'm still on board. The only thing I said to DW last night is I think they need to trim down the number of storylines they have running and spend more quality time focusing on some of the most interesting ones.

Like for example, I could do without the IRS agent storyline ... it seems kinda extraneous. Also, can I ask when IRS agents got such a hefty pay raise?? This woman is obviously a rich snob, but IRS agents make like 40 grand a year!!