Wow, what an interesting question! Thanks for asking. I found out stuff I never knew...

I share my birthday (May 27) with:

Writers Dahiell Hammett and Tony Hillerman (love him!)

Actors Christopher Lee and Vincent Prince (that may explain my thing for old horror movies), Louis Gosset Jr., Joseph Finnes and Lee Meriwether.

Politicians Henry Kissinger and Hubert Humphrey

Musicians Don Williams and Pete Sears from Jefferson Starship

And last but not least, Wild Bill Hickok - woot!

In addition to the above, I was born on my mother's 19th birthday. Four hours later my twin cousins were born at the same hospital. My mom and her sister-in-law shared the same room and the same doctor delivered us all. We grew up four houses down from each until we were ten or so, then they moved about two blocks away. We are still very close. They are both teachers and I am currently working as a substitute teacher. One of the twins is married to a man who shares our birthday as well. My husband's birthday the day before ours. He shares his birthday with John Wayne.