Quote Originally Posted by Chescat View Post
The difference between this fireworks show and the others is, there is a lot of things going on at the castle that you can't see outside.
That is a VERY good point!

I really think that it is worth it to stake out a spot about an hour early, right in front of the castle. There is a LOT going on at "castle height" that you will not see from further back on Main Street.

My favorite spot is on the right side of the hub, as you are facing the castle. There is a walkway that cuts through the center of the hub and runs from Tomorrowland to Adventureland. About 30 min before the fireworks, CM's rope off that walkway, and if you get behind the second rope, you will have a clear view since no one will be in front of you for at least 10 feet (the walkway). People will walk by, but they must keep moving, so you won't have anyone's head blocking your view. You can ask the CM's in the yellow and black outfits near fireworks time where they are putting up the rope, and then just plop your behind down on the pavement near the curb in that general area. When the rope goes up, so do you!

While you wait, it's easy to send someone for snacks since they keep that walkway open for traffic. We have done this twice and it works like a charm.