I want to be more creative, but I don't want to do the work. LOL Mine are all mounted on a large cork board, roughly grouped by theme. So my Tiggers are upper right, with my Stitch's below that. My fave attractions are grouped together, above my "memorable dates" grouping (first trip, New Years, Easter), which is above my parks buttons (get one for each park each time I visit), etc...

It's kind of a PITA to pry them off and move them around, let alone pry them ALL off and move them to creative groupings in some fancy frame. I have mental images of fabulousness...but never get around to getting motivated to do it. Besides. I don't have wall space for breaking them up. And my decor really does NOT support Disney pins. I have an ethnic/world/tribal/middle eastern slant mixed with shabby chic. Disney just don't fit.