Bugs? Are you serious? BUGS!?! A swarm of gnats are going to take down the Yankees season. You've got to be KIDDING me!

Sadly, I have a feeling it all ends tonight in the Bronx. Not just the season but the era. I'm feeling we're seeing the last of Joe Torre in pinstripes after the 3 game sweep. You can't have a National League manager, Torre, managing this power hitting team. Playoff games are not going to be slugfests, especially when a team can pitch their top 2 starters in four games of a five game series. Teams like the Yankees will find it very hard to win in the playoffs in today's baseball climate and Joe Torre is not the guy to help them along, as awesome of a manager as he is and has been for all these years. Like the old adage goes, good pitching always beats good hitting. The Yankees are built for the regular season, not the playoffs. The bullpen is abysmal and has been for years. There is no reason they should be relying on Joba and Mo to go 2 innings a piece. Vizciano couldn't get an out, Farnsworth is not even worth warming up, Proctor was traded months ago for a guy who's not even going to see the field this post-season, and don't even get me started on the likes of Ross Ohlendorf.

I'm not saying anything that Yankee fans don't already know. Of course, that still won't make tonight any easier.