I think some are missing the point. I don't think I ever went to AC but despite that fact I can see why so many would be bummed out. I think what some here, like locked out logic... et al, don't see is that WDW is different than other destinations because of things like AC. Things like the lounge singer or the torch lighting ceremony at the poly which are also slated for permanent removal amongst many things that are dissappearing from the landscape.

The WDW experience is so much more than the parks. It's all of these little things, this wide array of things to do and see beyond the gates of the parks that keep people comming back. Things and places that have a so called 'cult' or 'niche' following. You add all of those up and it equals return visits.....and $$$$$. You keep losing all of the charm and uniqueness that things like AC offered and you end up with six flags or universal for three times the price... (as I wrote on another thread recently).....