January 2007- Morning sickness usually goes away around the end of your 1st trimester. I had one friend who had morning sickness her entire pregnancy, but her doctor gave her medicine to take since she was unable to function normally and couldn't keep missing days at work. A few things you might want to try are peppermints and ginger tea or ginger snaps. Those all worked well for me.
I hope you have fun on your trip to Disney. DH and I went when I was 25 weeks pregnant and had a blast! Drink lots of water and take lots of breaks. We went back to the resort right after lunch each day and took a nap and then headed back to the park around 4 or so. I think that would be even more important b/c of the heat in August.

Myers had his 2 month check-up on Wednesday. He is 9lbs 8 oz and 21 inches long. That's 10th percentile weight and 5th in height. He had to have three shots and it was so hard to watch. I think it was more difficult for me than it was for him. He cried until I was able to comfort him, but I wanted to cry everytime I thought about it for the rest of the day!