So sorry to do this, but I simply can't pick just one . . . .

1. DD's first princess sighting. What parent of a little princess doesn't remember that moment??? It was her first trip, first morning, first step in the parks. Directly to the castle to meet Cinderella and her princess friends. Truly magical!!

2. Chip and Dale at Liberty Tree Tavern. Dale came by first and quickly discerned that my son is the biggest chipmunk freak EVER. He came back a few minutes later with Chip (totally messing up their rotation, I'm sure). As luck would have it, my son had gone off to the potty at the time.

Chip and Dale SAT DOWN and WAITED!!!

Son coming back down the stairs, sees them, and FREAKS OUT. . . fearful that they may move on before he reaches our table.


They clogged up the process entirely, but stayed and spent several magical moments with my son. It was the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face. Ever.