Quote Originally Posted by magicofdisney View Post
OK, that just burst my bubble. Seriously?
Yep. My sister and I almost signed up for it, until we read that in the rules. It's supposedly "for the safety of the runners." Whatever. If it was that much a concern, larger marathons all over the country would have the same rule...

I'd be okay running the smaller runs in the parks, though, without music. There's enough to look at to keep entertained. I know there are a series of in park 5k runs prior to the marathon (or half marathon) itself. I think they are in AK and/or Epcot.

But, for the princess 1/2 marathon, there is NO WAY that the scenery is enough. It's mostly running along the roads with NOTHING to look at but other runners. I couldn't do it without some motivation music.