The Rivers of America in Frontierland were *notorious* for 'gators, especially when the Turkey Leg wagon was right there across from Pecos Bill's.

When I worked at Splash in 2003-4, we actually had a "Gator Watch" position. Why? Because guests couldn't stop feeding the gators :/ They'd hang out under the boardwalk behind the Turkey wagon for obvious reasons.

We captured (and released on another part of the property, far away from the parks) a NINE-FOOT, 600+lb gator in 2003, in the retention pond right behind Thunder's maintenance building.

When I was on the Tom Sawyer rafts, we were crossing the river - *with guests* - and a 5-footer swam right alongside my raft, almost close enough for guests to actually touch the thing. "Ooooooo, it looks just like a real alligator!" "It is, is."

On the steam trains, going down between Frontierland and ToonTown stations, there's a canal that runs along the back of the park. We'd see 'em in there all the time, along with deer - that wouldn't get out of the way until we got right to 'em. And no, not the "animatronic" kind, either...LOL