Hi, someone recently asked in the Theme Park board about the week following Thanksgiving, I'll paste in my reply. We love that week!

Here was my answer:

This is a great time to visit, right after Thanksgiving. Through our research over the years, most sites will rate this week as either the #1 week to travel to Disney or top 3.

We have a trip planned this year again. We usually arrive on Saturday after Thanksgiving, and use that day to get settled, hit the pool, go to Downtown Disney for dinner. Crowds that Saturday are still way up from the holiday. On Sunday crowds begin to thin some, and by Monday it is great. No park is really crowded that week, but we usually follow the method of going to a park after it had PM extra magic hours the night before for even smoother crowd levels.

We then head home the following Saturday (7th).

Christmas decorations are up in full force, and I believe its almost an overnight transition from Halloween to Christmas the first week of November.

One other note, last year we were at the MK when the Christmas parade was being taped (we did not realize that). As we arrived we panicked thinking we really messed up, but once you navigate past Main Street the rest of the park was empty. Many people were around the parade route, but we just avoided it and were fine. I think the taping is the 6th and 7th this year.