I feel your pain. We were just down there the week leading up to July 4th and it was a complete stressful debacle. We had problems with the app and we couldn't even see our reservations and it used the wrong tickets, etc. On top of all of that, what we had planned and the reservations we made months in advance were not playing out well with the weather since there were thunderstorms for hours every afternoon and other factors. It was the worst WDW vacation we ever had and it was the least enjoyable vacation we have had in years.

We have been going on other types of vacations for the last 5 years or so but keep ending up at WDW because of special events involving our kids' school activities and sports. If it weren't for those, we wouldn't be going hardly at all. I can't deal with all the pre-scheduling and having to constantly worry about the time and where I need to be.

I like to think that Disney management realizes at this point they have created and frustrating mess. They just can't figure out a way to back out of it without investors going nuts and negative media attention.

On a side note, last summer we went out west on a vacation and visited Disneyland in California. It was nice being able to just show up without any schedules or planning and just enjoy the attractions as we went through the park.