Quote Originally Posted by azcavalier View Post
This is exhausting, and I've been called to the carpet here for posting things less inflammatory than this. It's largely why I don't really frequent Intercot anymore.

If anyone is interested in engaging in a discussion on why COVID vaccines are safe, the government isn't trying to ruin your life, and that government and businesses not only can mandate vaccines but have a *responsibility* to do so, then feel free to DM me. Or shoot me an email at [email protected].
I don’t think this is very inflammatory and personally….I wish Disney would also require all Park Guests that are able to get the vaccine and do not have a medical, religious or age exemption to have the vaccine before entering the park. The sooner we reach a 90 percent vaccination level the sinner this all ends.

PS - Covid Vaccines are safe and effective. Disagree with my stance on it being required….as long as we start with understanding the Covid Vaccines are safe and effective…and….are not designed to track you, alter your DNA or do anything else other than help prevent the spread of Covid.