There are just negative posts here, but also fewer positive ones. I don't think it is the posts that have turned me off, but the idea of paying for fast passes that used to be free, not being able to get to ride attractions at all if the passes are booked or spending more money than ever to stand in long lines, that turns me off. The price gouging turns my stomach and hurts my heart. We expected the StarWars hotel experience to be expensive, but the breathtakingly high price is so much higher than I could have imagined. That experience is simply inaccessible to most. I have never been willing to stand in line more than 45 minutes for a five minute attraction. That is just ridiculous. Now I have to look at my phone all day, and pray I am allowed to pay extra to get a ticket (for what I already paid for!) The arrival of dessert parties and extra special exclusives only for the $$$ were the beginning of the end for me, but it has gotten so much worse. I am fortunate to be able to save up and afford a trip, but now it seems that Disney doesn't care enough to assure I get a full experience.

I grew up watching Tinkerbell fly across the castle every Sunday Night. I never got to WDW as a child, but experienced the magic with my kids years ago. I loved the days of arriving at pre-opening, racing for fast passes throughout the day, and being certain that we could enjoy all the attractions we really wanted. I loved the brilliant story telling and artistically orchestrated fireworks of Wishes. I don't want to see a video projected onto the castle. The magic bands were purported to provide information to make our experiences better, but we all know now they are just used for data mining and making spending easier. Certainly the park flow sounds much worse. I know that Disney is a business and always has been, but I used to buy into the illusion of magic. Of Walt's folksy America. That Mickey was our pal and Tinkerbell was waiting in the wings to scatter pixie dust. Now I feel that I am there to purchase the latest merchandise, pay for what used to be included in the regular ticket price, and be mined for upgrades to exclusive (ie too expensive for most) experience. Paying extra for every ride and paying for the privilege to stand in line for hours before my exit through a gift shop makes me feel like a chump to a corporate empire.