Actually, I thought of something significant that didn't get factored into DizneeRX's numbers.

You said I could just save the money I spent on DVC and in 40 years (or whatever) I'd have enough to pay for my $1,000 a night room.

But what that doesn't take into account is the fact that my $15,000 investment now buys me 12 nights (estimated) of vacation every year between now and then. Even assuming a marginal $250 a night room rate at SSR that's $3,000 per year in vacations.

So in order for your investment idea to work, you'd have to take out that $3,000 per year each year to pay for the vacations that my $15,000 is buying us. By my calculations, factoring that in, you run out of cash after the 5th year.

My point is, it's not like I've invested $15,000 to get "free" vacations 40 years from now. My $15,000 buys us vacations for all 40+ years. The truth is, even if we just took those 12 nights of vacations at $250 a night for 5 years, we'd already have spent the $15,000.

I don't see any feasible way you could invest $15,000 now somehow make it last to get 40 years worth of vacations out of it.