Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
I can 100% assure you that parents like this existed 25 years ago ...

My best friend growing up ... his father used to make him stand at home plate while his Dad threw pitches at him as hard as he could.

Notice I said at him not to him. He was trying to teach him how to "take a pitch" by throwing 80mph fastballs at his 8 year old!!

And this man was a minor league pitcher ... he could THROW! If my friend flinched or backed away from the ball he'd scream in his face, "WHATSAMATTER WITH YOU??? ARE YOU SCARED???? TAKE THE PITCH LIKE A MAN!!!"

So yeah ... this has been going on for a long, long time ...
You know, that is just sick....

My DD (13) loves to play fast pitch. She has been playing soft ball since she was 4 years old. (of course it was rag ball then) Over the years we have had to deal with some of the worst coachs and parents you could even imagine. My DD no longer plays rec ball for the city because of all of the political bull that goes on in the park. Children should not be exposed to the kind of cut throat and back stabbing that went on there.
My DD now only plays with a tournament team. She is the pitcher and is doing an amazing job thanks to a coach that is supportive and uses praise instead of threats. The team plays well together and the parents all get along.
As new kids join the team each year we watch for controling parents and the coach has a discussion with them very early in the season.
They either learn quick that no one on the team will put up with it and they stop, or they go away. We would rather have an average team that has fun than a great team that is stressed and unhappy.