Any of you who live where there are no Waffle Houses and/or have never visited one do not know what you are missing. When we lived in PA (before WH's showed up there a few years ago) and would hit the highway for FL, I'd insist we stop at the first WH we saw in Ohio. Family was OK about it but did not quite share my passion.

After we moved to Orlando, we all got our fill of WH pretty quick, though it is still on my short list of breakfast or late night "snack" places.

I used to suggest to my kids that, when visiting a WH, one could attempt to be the weirdest person in the place- but that would be a bit tougher than in most eating establishments, since it seems to me that WH must hire professionals to play those parts.

Anyway, I plan to be at some or all of this upcoming INTERCOT meet... not sure whether that includes a 2-3 AM WH visit.