Here’s the thing, people. Now I love Christmas just as much as the next person... maybe more. Some of you may remember a few years ago me posting about me putting my tree up before Thanksgiving and all my neighbors thinking I was a wackadoo. This being said...

A local dinner show attraction here has been in full Christmas mode for almost two weeks now. There’s a 30 foot Christmas tree out front (lit up and everything), wreaths, ribbons, garland... the works. They even have large displays enticing us to come in and see the holiday show.

I know this is a tourist driven town and you need to grab the dollars any way you can... but I call foul. This is too much! It really bothers me that I drive past a three story Christmas tree and all its twinkling lights while I’m in costume on my way to a Halloween party. I realize these days that (as far as Christmas decorations go) Halloween is the new Thanksgiving... but this madness must stop.