It's okay to cry. You will think about him on the 29th every month for a long time. That's okay. He has been a vital part of your life for so long and now that he is not there, it's like there is a void. As time goes on the void/hole that is so sharp with pain will eventually get smoother and you will be able to think about him with happy memories and the pain won't be as bad. The holiday's, the first birthday's that go by (your's and his) will be tough, because he won't be there like he has been all those times before. But, eventually you will be able to think about all the fun times you had together and laugh. You will remember his voice, his laugh, his "wicked" sense of humor, his smell and then the overwhelming since of loss will be painful. You will cry, but that is okay. People will start talking to you about how they "know what you are going through because they have lost their (enter name here)". You will just want to look at them and scream and say no you don't, but instead you politely say thank you. You will be in the car and a song comes on that for what ever reason trigger's a memory and all you will want to do is turn around, go back home, climb in bed and cry. It's okay to feel that way.
Do take the time to grieve. There is no right way and there is no wrong way. Take time for yourself. Go out to dinner with a friend. Sometimes they are better to talk to than a spouse. Go to a movie. Go see the silliest/lamest movie you think you can stand. It's okay to laugh too. Eventually you will get to the point where it doesn't hurt so much and that will be scary. You will start to wonder "am I forgetting" them. And then you start to worry. What if I can't remember their laugh, their smile? What will I do then? You rely on friends and family. It's okay to cry.