I was actually working on this for about a week, before recent events happened. It seems so often that movie, music, and TV stars who are at the top of their career do something to damage their own career. Michael Jackson is probably the best example of this, but I chose to focus on some others, to see who people think have hurt their own career the most.

Ben Affleck Oscar winning actor was doing very well, and quite popular until he starting dating Jennifer Lopez. Between the bad movie Gigli, and the whole Bennifer engagement, his star isn't quite as bright.

The Dixie Chicks made up of Emily Robison, Martie Maguire, and Natalie Maines were a huge country and pop musical group. In a concert in England Maines bashed the president, which hurt the group badly. Some radio stations stopped playing their music. This past June, Robison commenting on other country music videos said ... "I don't understand the necessity for patriotism. ... I don't see why people care about patriotism." Considering most country music fans are strong patriots, it didn't seem like the best moves for either.

Britney Spears was probably one of the biggest female music pop stars in the world, and a former member of the Mickey Mouse Club. Between some risque photo shoots, concerts that parents gabbed their kids out of because of Britney's behavior, a 55 hour marriage to an old friend in Vegas. Her marriage to Kevin Federline and their seemingly bad care of their baby, including driving her car, with her baby on her lap. Britney's popularity has dropped to an all time low.

Tom Cruise, the biggest movie star in the world is loved around the world. Cruise is often in the top of People Magazines favorites and Forbes top 100 celebrities. When he started dating Katie Holmes and doing what most stars never do, seeking out the press to say how in love he was... his popularity definitely took a hit. Probably the camel that broke the furniture's back so to speak, was his jumping on Oprah's couch, talking about his love for Katie ... then buying a ultrasound machine to monitor their baby. Often now when Cruise' name is mentioned, it is in some kind of joke.

Lindsay Lohan is an up and coming young star, having appeared in several Disney films, including The Parent Trap, Freaky Friday, and Herbie: Fully Loaded. She appeared to be becoming one of the top young female stars. With 3 car accidents last year, admitting to drug use in a magazine, and getting a reputation as a party girl, people seem to be starting to look at her differently. Just last week, while working on a movie, she was taken to a hospital for what she called dehydration. Though even the head of the movie studio believed her absence from the set was due to all night heavy partying, and wrote her a letter threatening action for her bogus excuse.

Now just recently Mel Gibson, who is also probably one of the biggest movie stars in the world. Known recently as a successful director too, was arrested for drunk driving. While that was bad enough, Gibson made hateful comments during his arrest that he has now apologized for.

The question is ... of these 6 stars, who has fallen the most, and has come crashing back to earth.