Hi All,

I'm planning our first family trip w/my dd to DW in May. She is 6 y.o. and has mild cerebral palsy. She walks and doesn't ecessary "look" disabled but she tires easily and can't walk distances. She also easily overheats b/c she has to work so had to move her body.

I have taken her to DLand before and they gave her a "pass" to put on her stroller (that basically indicated her stroller was her "wheelchair") and for most rides we were able to enter through the exit and have easy access to the rides.

I'm not one to line jump but I also don't want her to literally fall over from standing out in the heat so can someone clue me as to whether the system that's used at DL is also used at DW?

It's a bit harder now that she's older to find a stroller to accommodate her but we haven't made the jump to a wheelchair yet for situations like this. We plan on bringing a stroller and spending the hotest part of the day back at the hotel or in the pool (I'll be traveling w/ a 9 month old so he'll need to nap anyways). We also plan to bring those personal misting fans to help stay cool and we'll obviously make every effort to stay hydrated. Any other tips in addition to these?

Thanks in advance!