this day would be a practice day for our band in preparation for the Magic Music Days 95 celebration. Our day started with morning practice, and our band divided between the symphonic portion which would perform indoors and the marching portion which would march in the parade down the MK. I would be in the marching group, so we practiced in an empty field adjacent to the hotel and after some quick technical drills we were taken to the parks to spend the day. My little group was also broken up, so our group of 6 was now a group of 2, which allowed us to do some more exploring on our own. We rode the COP, ate at Cosmic Ray's and marveled at the multi-colored condiments. (blue mayo, purple mustard, ect!) There was also a DJ playing really lousy music and asking people to sing along. (sorry guys, that was kinda harsh but that's the way I remembered it!) After a few more attractions we had to report back to the buses for practice and our performance. I think it's every kid's dream to be 'part of the show' at WDW, but even as a teen it was all sort of surreal and too good to be true. We had to keep our focus forward, but I couldn't help but sneak a peek at the crowds lined up along Main Street to see us and all the other bands play. It was one of the coolest things I've been able to do. The parade route ended behind a fence, and we were excited to be 'backstage, behind the scenes' so to speak. We weren't allowed to see too much, but we did see more than most people do. We put our instruments up and finished out the day at the parks with a light rain occasionally popping up. At about that point I met up with a girl in our band who I had talked to before, but never really paid too much attention to. I tried to stay cool and relaxed, but that went out the window after I slipped on the wet concrete. I never hit the ground, since she was a tennis player and had the strength to grab my shirt and pull me up before I hit. (so much for being cool!) We spent the evening together riding Splash (and took a pic of her covering my mouth as I screamed ) the teacups and the Grand Prix cars with the fireworks exploding in the distance. The perfect setting for a perfect 1st date. We parted company for the night as we were bussed back to our hotel, but the energy of the performance still had most us us amped up. We gathered around the pool areas and had an impromptu pool party that was ended when I was egged on to jump into the pool from the 2nd floor balcony.(with my clothes on) The cheers must have been loud because security soon broke up the party after I had left to go change clothes. The stunt was the stuff high school legends are made of, but pretty dumb in retrospect, seeing as how I could have been easily killed or at the least very injured. (ahh, to be young and fearless...)
We spent the rest of the night talking on the phones and visiting from room to room.
Tomorrow, last day in the parks, the awards ceremonies, and the trip back home...